Place all the pizza dough ingredients into a bowl or mixer. Combine using your hands or the mixer’s dough attachment. Once combined, knead for 5 – 10 minutes until soft and stretchy.
Place the dough into a large lightly oiled bowl and cover with a cloth. Set aside to rise in a warm spot, the dough should double in size (after approximately 2 hours). Once risen, knock it down with your hands and shape into 4 balls.
On a lightly dusted surface, roll out the dough balls into 4 pizza base rounds.
Place each pizza onto a lightly floured baking tray.
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Spread tomato paste onto the bases of the pizzas, getting right to the edges. Top with shredded chicken, peppadews, feta and grated mozzarella, and sprinkle over Hinds Spices Chicken Spice and Hinds Spices Crushed Chillies.